IASOC 2024 Ischia Advanced School of Organic Chemistry

Since 1984, the IASOC is organized every two years by the University of Naples Federico II, Department of Chemical Sciences, under the aegis of the Società Chimica Italiana (www.soc.chim.it/en), Divisione di Chimica Organica (www.soc.chim.it/it/divisioni/organica/home).
The aim of the IASOC is to bring together leading scientists of the highest international repute to provide an overview of the latest advances in the various areas of Organic Chemistry, with a special emphasis on synthesis and its multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary implications.
The main focus of IASOC 2024 will be on “Organic Synthesis: the Best is Yet to Come”. This theme collects the most efficient strategies, the main targets currently pursued in the fields of life sciences and materials technology, new approaches to smart molecules and functional systems. Topics will be illustrated and debated in a lively and informal atmosphere over a three-day compact format with ample space reserved to catalysis, supramolecular chemistry, bioorganic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, (nano)technology-oriented synthesis and molecular design. As in the past editions, the scientific programme of IASOC 2024 will consist of lessons, delivered by scientists from both academia and industry, tutorials, poster sessions, workshops and open sessions. Presenting authors of selected poster communications will be invited to illustrate their results in flash communications during specific sessions aimed at favoring interaction between young researchers and leading scientists.